Thursday, March 18, 2010

Schooling or Education (week 10 )

teacher training

This week I watched a video by Dan Brown that a future teacher named Morgan Bayda found and posted on her blog. Mr. Brown talked about how he dropped out of school because if was affecting his education. Like Mr. Brown said, “Education is an essential.” He said that in most of his college classes, his teachers had too many students that they didn’t know names or details about their students. The professors will have him spend thousands of dollars on textbooks but never use them. Teachers will only teach the facts on subjects then to educate on how or why. We can always go onto the internet to get facts within seconds, we need training.

As a future teacher, I have to be ready to be an educator and not just a fact giver. During my freshman and sophomore level classes in Georgia, I found that I drowned in the sea of other students. Most of the teachers I had never even knew I was there. In the five years of schooling that I had done to get my first bachelors degree, I have spent thousands on textbooks and over half never got out of the package. If it wasn’t for needing a certification to teach, I would have sought my education elsewhere.


  1. Heather,
    I completely agree with you about how you felt as if you were drowning in a sea of other students, I have felt that very same way before. I think everyone has spent an enormous amount of money on textbooks and have barely used them. I hope that sometime in the future students won't have to spend that much on books! Keep up the great job!

  2. We use textbooks in grade schools all the time, but when we get to college we are asked to buy them ourselves; that is when we realize the cost of the book and examine how much we use the book.
    If instead of updating the lecture notes, the lecturers wrote their own material and charged a small fee ($25) for the material, they would be able to give a cheap updated version every semester. The lecture notes would then be updated automatically from their material....the University would make more money from textbooks and students would have a more efficient, environmentally conscious, cost effective solution to the issue of textbooks.

    Start a student petition calling for it and send it out to everyone's email...I'll sign it...the voice of 30,000 students.
